New Translation: Congolina by Nele Marian

The past year I’ve been working on the translation of Nele Marian’s poetry, she was the first Belgian poet of African descent. The poems are a part of a book on Nele Marian’s life written by Nadia Nsayi and published by Uitgeverij de Geus . It will be available on the 28th of November

New article: ‘Passing en de illusie van de American dream’

I wrote an article for de Nederlandse Boekengids about racial passing in the United States, and how this theme is handled in books such as Passing by Nella Larsen, The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett and Mariah Carey’s autobiography The Meaning of Mariah Carey. I link this theme of passing with the idea or rather illusion of the American dream and the notion of the selfmade man and I discuss various stories in American fiction such as The Great Gatsby, Mad Men and Ginny & Georgia that features characters who change their identity in order to pursue the American dream.

Prijs voor de Jonge Kunstkritiek 2022: Juryrapport

I am very proud to have gotten the honor of being jury chairman for the Prijs voor de Jonge Kunstkritiek 2022 (Prize for young art critics). The jury was very impressed with the quality of the submissions. I would like to congratulate all the winners; Lena van Tijen, Loren Snel, Lara den Hartog Jager for their wonderful essays. Congrats to Laura Herman, Zoë Dankert, Emma van Meyeren for their thoughtful and insightful reviews. And finally a big congrats to Zoë Dankert and Alix de Massiac for their podcast.

Also many thanks to Hasna El Maroudi for her keynote lecture and Munganyende Hélène Christelle for her beautiful recitation at the award ceremony.

The full juryreport here, as well as all the essays and reviews, can be read here:

Picture by Jeroen Lavèn

New Essay: van westers wereldbeeld naar Afrikaanse world sense

I wrote an essay on the oral tradition and listening as practice in African philosophy and Black music such as Jazz and Congolese Rumba for Wijsgerig Perspectief in the latest issue of Filosofie Magazine.

Translation Nele Marian

I am happy to announce that I signed a contract with Uitgeverij De Geus to translate the poetry of Congolese-Belgian poet Nele Marian. I am really excited about this project as Nele Marian, born in the Congo in 1906, was one of the first female poets of African origin in Belgium.

Her poetry will be part of a book about her life written by Congolese-Belgian political scientist Nadia Nsayi. She will also provide historical and political context, as one can see that the original publisher was called “L’Expansion Coloniale”.

Shortlist Hypathiaprijs 2022

Dan is nu ook de shortlist voor de Hypatiaprijs 2022 bekend:

  • Lieke Asma, Mijn intenties en ik. Filosofie van de vrije wil (Boom)
  • Tinneke Beeckman, Machiavelli’s lef. Levensfilosofie voor de vrije mens (Boom)
  • Miriam Rasch, Frictie. Ethiek in tijden van dataïsme (De Bezige Bij)
  • Marjan Slob, De lege hemel. Over eenzaamheid (Ambo|Anthos)
  • Barbara Stok, De filosoof, de hond en de bruiloft (Nijgh & Van Ditmar)

De prijs voor het beste filosofieboek geschreven door een vrouw wordt uitgereikt op 28 mei.